👋 Tổng quan về OnGPT


What is OnGPT and How Does It Work?

OnGPT is an AI chatbot creation solution based on artificial intelligence language models, designed to help individuals and businesses create intelligent and effective chatbots. OnGPT leverages natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to analyze and understand context, enabling smart conversations and providing personalized experiences for customers.

A standout feature of OnGPT is its flexible customization capability, allowing the model to be trained on vast amounts of data from the internet or using specific data provided by users. This enables the AI chatbot to better understand the specific context of the industry, product, or service it supports, resulting in more accurate and relevant responses.

How to Create a Chatbot?

Once you have an account on OnGPT, creating an AI chatbot based on your business/product information is simple.

Just click the CREATE CHATBOT button on the left-hand toolbar and fill in the required information as guided.

Do I Need Technical Knowledge to Use OnGPT?

No, OnGPT offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to create and manage chatbots without requiring in-depth programming knowledge.

How Long Does It Take to Train an AI Chatbot Assistant?

The training time depends on the amount of data you upload. However, the process usually completes within a few minutes.

What System Requirements Are Needed for OnGPT to Work Well?

OnGPT works on all devices and platforms such as Android, iOS, phones, laptops, computers, and tablets, as long as they are connected to the internet.

Which Languages Does OnGPT Support?

OnGPT supports many popular languages including English, Vietnamese, Chinese, Spanish, French, and more, enabling businesses to reach a multilingual customer base.